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Matlab for engineers 5th edition pdf download

Matlab for engineers 5th edition pdf download

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WebDownload MATLAB Programming for Engineers 5th Edition PDF Read & Download PDF MATLAB Programming for Engineers 5th Edition Free, Update the latest version with WebMATLAB For Engineers (5th Edition) PDF, MATLAB For Engineers (5th Edition) PDF Download, Free Download MATLAB For Engineers (5th Edition) Ebooks Holly WebMatlab Programming For Engineers 5Th Edition PDF Book Details Product details ASIN: BOEQBLA Publisher: Cengage Learning (May 29, ) Best Sellers Rank: WebJun 28,  · Download MATLAB for Engineers 5th Edition written by Holly Moore in PDF format. This book is under the category Engineering, Technology and bearing the WebNumerical Analysis Engineering. MATLAB 5th Edition Free download Code examples Book. Moore MATLAB for Engineers 4th Edition Pearson. Introduction To Matlab For ... read more

Thenappan S. rantala vamsi. Pavithra K J. UsaMa Ali. Jatinbra Pattanaik. Amit Kumar. Ramesh Koyyana. karthk chinam. balu photo. Nandu Vivek. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. MATLAB for Engineers 5th Edition. Sherry Tran. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. Chemical Principles. Download Free PDF View PDF. Computational education for molecular biology and genetics. Syllabus for B. Tech Information Technology Up to Fourth Year. EC 2nd Year. Electrical Engineering Tech ECE. Journal of Geography in Higher Education Debugging geographers: teaching programming to non-computer scientists.

Starting with basic algebra, the book shows how MATLAB can be used to solve a wide range of engineering problems. Students reading this text should have an understanding of college-level algebra and basic trigonometry. The text includes brief backgrounds when introducing new subjects like statistics and matrix algebra. RELATED PAPERS. Automatica Control systems engineering education. European Seminar on … Developments in Mathematics Support in the United Kingdom. Electrical Engineering. Printed in the United States of America Print Number: 01 Print Year: Copyright Cengage Learning. This book is dedicated with love to my youngest daughter Devorah. Preface MATLAB short for MATrix LABoratory is a special-purpose computer program optimized to perform engineering and scientific calculations. It started life as a pro- gram designed to perform matrix mathematics, but over the years it has grown into a flexible computing system capable of solving essentially any technical problem.

The MATLAB program implements the MATLAB language and provides a very extensive library of pre-defined functions to make technical programming tasks easier and more efficient. This extremely wide variety of functions makes it much easier to solve technical problems in MATLAB than in other languages such as Fortran or C. This book introduces the MATLAB language as it is implemented in version Rb, and shows how to use it to solve typical technical problems. This book teaches MATLAB as a technical programming language showing students how to write clean, efficient, and documented programs.

This material should fit comfortably into a nine-week, three-hour course. These chapters may be covered in a longer course or used as a reference by engineering students or practicing engineers who use MATLAB as a part of their coursework or employment. Changes in the Fifth Edition The fifth edition of this book is specifically devoted to MATLAB Rb. Release b is the first edition of MATLAB to enable the new H2 Graphics System, which produces higher-quality outputs. Graphic components are now MATLAB objects with vviiii Copyright Cengage Learning. viii Preface handles returning properties. In addition, the MATLAB implementation of objects and object-oriented programming has matured since the last edition of this book and deserves to be covered in detail. This book has been expanded to cover MATLAB classes and objects, which work very closely with the new handle graphics system. Branches and loops now each have a chapter to themselves and the discussion of functions is split over two chapters.

This change helps students to absorb the material in more bite-sized chunks. The Advantages of MATLAB for Technical Programming MATLAB has many advantages compared to conventional computer languages for technical problem solving. Among them are: 1. Ease of Use MATLAB is an interpreted language, like many versions of Basic. Like Basic, it is very easy to use. The program can be used as a scratch pad to evaluate expressions typed at the command line or it can be used to execute large pre-written programs. Can you spot the errors in the following expression? Test your corrected version with MATLAB. Check your answers with MATLAB. Use the MATLAB command line to con- vert Celsius 37° normal human temperature to Fahrenheit You need to think through the process carefully.

The best approach is to develop a formula to convert x acres to hectares. Convert 6. n Using the disp statement e. disp generally gives a neater display. You can also use disp to display a message enclosed in apostrophes called a string. Apostrophes that are part of the message must be repeated: disp 'Pilate said, ''What is truth? If we want to display a string, we create it; that is, we type a message between apostrophes. This we have done already in the above example by defining the string 'The answer is '. Note that the last space before the second apostrophe is part of the string. This is very useful when displaying large matrices, for example, rand ,7 see help more for details. As you gain experience with MATLAB you may wish to learn more about the input and output capabilities in MATLAB. You can begin your search for infor- mation by clicking the question mark at the top of the desktop to open the help documents.

Then search for fopen, a utility which allows you to open a file. Scroll to the bottom of the page in the help manual on this topic and find the following list of functions: fclose, feof, ferror, fprintf, fread, fscanf, fseek, ftell, fwrite. Click on fprintf, which is a formatted output utility that is popular if you are a C-language programmer. Of course, the simplest input of data is the assignment of values to variables in a program of commands. How- ever, if the integer is too large, it is displayed in scientific notation with five significant digits— is displayed as 1. Check this by first entering at the command line and then If the value x is in the range 0. Check this by entering the following numbers at the prompt on separate lines : 0. You can change from the default with variations on the format command, as follows. If you want values displayed in scientific notation floating-point form whatever their size, enter the command: format short e All output from subsequent disp statements will be in scientific notation, with five significant digits, until the next format command is issued.

Enter this com- mand and check it with the following values: 0. If you want more accurate output, you can use format long e. This also gives scientific notation but with 15 significant digits. Use format long to get fixed-point notation with 15 significant digits. Use format bank for financial calculations; you get fixed point with two deci- mal digits for cents. Suppress irritating line feeds with format compact, which gives a more compact display. format loose reverts to a more airy display. Use format hex to get hexadecimal display. Use format rat to display a number as a rational approximation ratio of two integers. Note that even this is an approximation! Try out format rat on 2 and e exp 1. In certain appli- cations this is a convenient way of displaying matrices. The command format by itself reverts to the default format. In this example, the common scale factor is , so the elements displayed must all be multiplied by it to get their proper value—for example, for the second element 1.

Taking a factor of out of the third element 1e-4 leaves 1e-7, which is represented by 0. In this section we look at a new feature: repetition. This is implemented by the extremely power- ful for construct. We will first look at some examples of its use, followed by explanations. The disp statement is repeated five times, three times, and not at all. This is an iterative repetitive procedure that refines an initial guess. Here is the structure plan: 1. Initialize a 2. Most computers and calculators use a similar method internally to compute square roots and other standard mathematical functions. Run the following program to generate a list of n and n!

You had better leave out the disp statement! Or you can move it from above the end command to below it. The following example also highlights a problem that sometimes occurs when computing a limit. is the factorial function defined above. The question is this: What is the limit of this sequence as n gets indefinitely large? If we try to compute xn directly, we can get into trou- ble, because n! grows very rapidly as n increases, and numerical overflow can occur. n There are no numerical problems now. Each time through the loop it will contain the next element of the vector j:k or j:m:k, and statements there may be one or more are carried out for each of these values. This value is called the iteration or trip count. Note that if the iteration count is negative, the loop is not executed. n On completion of the for loop the index contains the last value used. n If the vector j:k or j:m:k is empty, statements are not executed and control passes to the statement following end.

n The index does not have to appear explicitly in statements. It is basically a counter. In fact, if the index does appear explicitly in statements, the for can often be vectorized more details on this are given in Section 2. A simple example of a more efficient faster program is as follows. In this case i is assigned as a vector hence, this change vectorizes the original program. n It is good programming style to indent tabulate the statements inside a for loop. You may have noticed that the Editor does this for you auto- matically with a feature called smart indenting.

If you leave them out you will get an error message. n If you leave out end, MATLAB will wait for you to enter it. Nothing will happen until you do so. The index moves through each element of the vector in turn, providing a neat way of processing each item in a list. Other forms of the for loop as well as the while loop will be discussed in Chapter 8. There are situations where a for loop is essential, as in many of the examples in this section so far. However, given the way MATLAB has been designed, for loops tend to be inefficient in terms of computing time. If you have written a for loop that involves the index of the loop in an expression, it may be pos- sible to vectorize the expression, making use of array operations where neces- sary, as the following examples show. Thus, t0 records when the calculation starts. The function etime returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two argu- ments, which must be vectors as returned by clock.

If you have a faster PC, it should take less time. Now try to vectorize this calculation before looking at the solution. Here it is: This way takes only 0. There is a neater way of monitoring the time taken to interpret MATLAB state- ments: the tic and toc function. Once again, try to vectorize the sum: The same PC gives a time of about 0. Of course, the computation time in these examples is small regardless of the method applied. However, learning how to improve the effi- ciency of computation to solve more complex scientific or engineering prob- lems will be helpful as you develop good programming skills. More details on good problem-solving and program design practices are introduced at the end of this chapter and dealt with, in more detail, in the next. Series with alternating signs are a little more challenging. You should get 0. Not bad. For example, prod 1:n will find n!

much faster than the code at the beginning of this section for large values of n. Exercises Write MATLAB programs to find the following sums with for loops and by vectorization. Time both versions in each case. Repeat a few times—cut and paste from the Command History window make sure that a new r is generated each time. MATLAB gives a value of 1 to a logical expression that is true and 0 to one that is false. The if construct, which is fundamental to all comput- ing languages, is the basis of such decision making.

The simplest form of if in a single line is: if condition; statements; end Note the following points: n condition is usually a logical expression i. The relational operators are shown in Table 2. MATLAB allows you to use an arithmetic expression for condition. If the expression evaluates to 0, it is regarded as false; any other value is true. This is not generally recommended; the if statement is easier to understand for you or a reader of your code , if condition is a logical expression. n If condition is true, statement is executed, but if condition is false, nothing happens. n condition may be a vector or a matrix, in which case it is true only if all of its elements are nonzero. See if you can correctly determine the value of x in each case before checking your answer with MATLAB.

The value 1 for true is therefore assigned to x. After executing these commands type the command whos to find that the variable x is in the class of logical variables. What about g? Finally, if you try: if 79 disp 'true' , else disp 'false' , end do you get true? Try other values, including 0 and some negative values. Most banks offer differential interest rates. The Random Bank goes one step further and gives you a random amount in your account to start with! Run the following program a few times: Display the values of bal and rate each time from the command line to check that MATLAB has chosen the correct interest rate.

The basic form of if-else for use in a program file is: Note that: n statementsA and statementsB represent one or more statements. n If condition is true, statementsA are executed, but if condition is false, state- mentsB are executed. This is essentially how you force MATLAB to choose between two alternatives. n else is optional. n end is mandatory; without it, MATLAB will wait forever. It works as follows: 1. condition1 is tested. If it is true, statementsA are executed; MATLAB then moves to the next statement after end. If condition1 is false, MATLAB checks condition2. If it is true, statementsB are executed, followed by the statement after end. In this way, all conditions are tested until a true one is found.

As soon as a true condition is found, no further elseifs are examined and MATLAB jumps off the ladder. If none of the conditions is true, statements after else are executed. Arrange the logic so that not more than one of the conditions is true. There can be any number of elseifs, but at most one else. elseifmust be written as one word. It is good programming style to indent each group of statements as shown. This translates into the following MATLAB statements: 4 3. Note the double equal sign in the test for equality; see Chapter 5 for more on logical operators. In the earlier elseif version, MATLAB jumps off the elseif ladder as soon as it finds a true condition. This saves a lot of computing time and is easier to read if the if construct is in a loop that is repeated often. Using this form, instead of the elseif ladder, you can make the following common mistake: Can you see why you get the wrong answer instead of if bal has the value ? When designing the logic, you need to make sure that one and only one of the conditions will be true at any one time.

However, whatever the value of bal, this condition will always be true. Can you see why? This is called nesting and should not be confused with the elseif ladder. You have to be careful with elses. In general, else belongs to the most recent if that has not been ended. The correct positioning of end is therefore very important, as the next example demonstrates. Suppose you want to compute the solution to a quadratic equation. Your program could contain the following nested ifs: The else belongs to the second if by default, as intended. The result is that else belongs to the firstif instead of to the second one. Division by zero is therefore guaranteed instead of prevented!. You may be wondering if for statements enclosing ifs can be vectorized.

The answer is yes, courtesy of logical arrays. Discussion of this rather interesting topic is postponed until Chapter 5. In this example it is used to decide whether a random integer is 1, 2, or 3 see Section 5. However, it is useful to know what they are since the square root of a negative number may come up as a mistake if you are trying to work only with real numbers. Try sqrt -1 to see how MATLAB represents complex numbers. The imaginary part of a complex number may also be entered without an asterisk, 3i. Some functions are specific to complex numbers. If z is a complex number, real z , imag z , conj z , and abs z all have the obvious meanings. abs z returns the magnitude r. Since eiθ gives the unit circle in polars, complex numbers provide a neat way of plotting a circle. Try the following: Note these points: n If y is complex, the statement plot y is equivalent to plot real y , imag y n The statement axis 'equal' is necessary to make circles look round; it changes what is known as the aspect ratio of the monitor.

axis 'normal' gives the default aspect ratio. For complex matrices, the operations ' and. n MATLAB has a comprehensive online Help system. It can be accessed through the Help button? on the desktop toolbar or the Help menu in any tool. n A MATLAB program can be written in the Editor and cut and pasted to the Command Window or it can be executed from the editor by clicking the green right arrow in the toolbar at the top of the Editor window. n A script file is a text file created by the MATLAB Editor or any other text editor containing a collection of MATLAB statements. In other words, it is a program. The statements are carried out when the script file name is entered at the prompt in the Command Window. A script file name must have the. m extension. Script files are therefore also called M-files. n The recommended way to run a script is from the Current Directory browser. The output from the script will then appear in the Command Window. Only the first 63 characters are significant.

MATLAB is case-sensistive by default. All variables created during a session remain in the workspace until removed with clear. The command who lists the variables in the workspace; whos gives their sizes. n MATLAB refers to all variables as arrays, whether they are scalars single- valued arrays , vectors, 1D arrays , or matrices 2D arrays. n MATLAB names are case-sensitive. n The Workspace browser on the desktop provides a handy visual represen- tation of the workspace. Clicking a variable in it invokes the Array Editor, which may be used to view and change variable values.

n Vectors and matrices are entered in square brackets. Elements are sepa- rated by spaces or commas. Rows are separated by semicolons. The colon operator is used to generate vectors, with elements increasing decreasing by regular increments decrements. Vectors are row vectors by default. Use the apostrophe transpose operator ' to change a row vector into a column vector. n An element of a vector is referred to by a subscript in parentheses. A subscript may itself be a vector. Subscripts always start at 1. n The diary command copies everything that subsequently appears in the Command Window to the specified text file until the command diary off is given.

n Statements on the same line may be separated by commas or semicolons. n A statement may be continued to the next line with an ellipsis of at least three dots. n Numbers may be represented in fixed-point decimal notation or in floating-point scientific notation. n MATLAB has 14 data types. The default numeric type is double precision. All mathematical operations are carried out in double precision. They operate according to rules of precedence. n An expression is a rule for evaluating a formula using numbers, operators, variables, and functions. A semicolon after an expression suppresses display of its value. n Array operations are element-by-element between vectors or between scalars and vectors.

The array operations of multiplication, right and left division, and exponentiation are indicated by. ˆ to distinguish them from vector and matrix operations of the same name. They may be used to evaluate a formula repeatedly for some or all of the elements of a vector. This is called vectorization of the formula. n disp is used to output display numbers and strings. num2str is useful with disp for displaying strings and numbers on the same line. n The format command controls the way output is displayed. n The for statement is used to repeat a group of statements a fixed number of times. If the index of a for statement is used in the expression being repeated, the expression can often be vectorized, saving a great deal of computing time. n tic and toc may be used as a stopwatch. Any expression that evaluates to zero is regarded as false.

Any other value is true. n if--else executes different groups of statements according to whether a logical expression is true or false. The elseif ladder is a good way to choose between a number of options, only one of which should be true at a time. n switch enables choices to be made between discrete cases of a variable or expression. n A string is a collection of characters enclosed in apostrophes. CHAPTER EXERCISES 2. b Cube i, add j to this, and store the result in i. c Set g equal to the larger of the two variables e and f. Write a script that inputs this volume in gallons and pints and converts it to liters. Answer: Degrees should go from 0° to ° in steps of 10°. Now try to add tangents in the fourth column. Try some variations of the format command. Answer: 10, 2. The marks are out of Try it on the following: Hint: Use the mean function. Can you do even better by vectorizing the code? Can you figure out what it is? Now rewrite the script using vectors and array operations.

Draw up a table of the values of i, j, and m to show how they change while the script executes. Compute the value of I. Answer: 0. Write a program that enters the following five consumptions into a vector and uses a for loop to calculate and display the total charge for each one: , , , , Write a program to compute and print the balance each month for a year. Arrange the output to look something like this: MONTH MONTH-END BALANCE 2. Write a program that uses a for loop to compute the balance after a year of compounding interest in this way. Evaluate the formula for this result separately as a check: × 1.

Chapter exercises 81 2. Answer: Values in the last row of output should be 12, 0. Write a program to compute and display the population every ten years from to Try to plot a graph of the population against time as well Figure 7. Use the built-in function log for the natural logarithm ln. We will consider the design of your own toolbox to be included among those already available with your version of MATLAB, such as Simulink, Symbolic Math, and Controls System. This is a big advantage of MATLAB and tools like it ; it allows you to customize your working environment to meet your own needs.

In the first part of this chapter we discuss the design process. In the second part we examine the structure plan—the detailed description of the algorithm to be implemented. We will consider relatively simple programs. However, the pro- cess described is intended to provide insight into what you will confront when you deal with more complex engineering, scientific, and mathematical prob- lems during the later years of your formal education, your life-long learning, and your continuing professional education. In the third part we introduce the basic construct of a MATLAB function to help you develop more sophisticated programs. To be sure, the examples examined so far have been logically simple. This is because we have been concentrating on the technical aspects of writing cor- rect MATLAB statements.

It is very important to learn how MATLAB does the 83 Copyright © , Daniel T. a­ rithmetic operations that form the basis of more complex programs. To de- sign a successful program you need to understand a problem thoroughly and break it down into its most fundamental logical stages. In other words, you have to develop a systematic procedure or algorithm for solving it. There are a number of methods that may assist in algorithm development. In this chapter we look at one, the structure plan. Its development is the primary part of the software or code design process because it is the steps in it that are translated into a language the computer can understand—for example, into MATLAB commands. There are numerous toolboxes available through MathWorks among others on a variety of engi- neering and scientific topics.

A great example is the Aerospace Toolbox, which provides reference standards, environmental models, and aerodynamic coef- ficients which can be imported for advanced aerospace engineering designs. math- works. Certainly, you want to be sure that the tools you save are reasonably well writ- ten i. What does it mean to create well-written programs? The goals in designing a software tool are that it works, it can easily be read and understood, and, hence, it can be systematically modified when required. For programs to work well they must satisfy the requirements associated with the problem or class of problems they are intended to solve.

The specifications i. That is, all options should be usable without error within the limits of the specifications see Figures 3. The program must be readable and hence clearly understandable. Thus, it is useful to decompose major tasks or the main program into subtasks or subprograms that do specific parts of it. It is much easier to read subprograms, which have fewer FIGURE 3. Each subtask should be designed so that it can be evaluated independently before it is imple- mented in the larger scheme of things i. A well written code, when it works, is much more easily evaluated in the testing phase of the design process. If changes are necessary to correct sign mistakes and the like, they can be easily implemented.

One thing to keep in mind when you add comments to describe the process programmed is this: Add enough comments and references so that a year from the time you write the program you know exactly what was done and for what purpose. Note that the first few comment lines in a script file are displayed in the Command Window when you type help followed by the name of your file file naming is also an art. The design process1 is outlined next. The steps may be listed as follows: Step 1: Problem analysis. The context of the proposed investigation must be established to provide the proper motivation for the design of a computer program.

The designer must fully recognize the need and must develop an understanding of the nature of the problem to be solved. Develop a detailed statement of the mathematical problem to be solved with a computer program. Step 3: Processing scheme. Define the inputs required and the outputs to be produced by the program. Step 4: Algorithm. Design the step-by-step procedure in a top-down p ­ rocess that decomposes the overall problem into subordinate problems. The ­subtasks to solve the latter are refined by designing an itemized list of steps to be programmed.

This list of tasks is the structure plan and is written in pseudo-code i. The goal is a plan that is understandable and easily translated into a computer language. Step 5: Program algorithm. Translate or convert the algorithm into a computer language e. Step 6: Evaluation. Test all of the options and conduct a validation study of the program. For example, compare results with other programs that do similar tasks, compare with experimental data if appropriate, and compare with theoretical predictions based on theoretical methodology related to the problems to be solved. The objective is to determine that the subtasks and the overall program are correct and accurate. The additional debugging in this step is to find and correct logical errors e. Step 7: Application. Solve the problems the program was designed to solve.

If the program is well designed and useful, it can be saved in your working directory i. Let us consider the projectile problem examined in first-semester physics. It is assumed that engineering and science students understand this problem if it is not familiar to you, find a physics text that describes it or search the Web; the formulas that apply will be provided in step 2. In this example we want to calculate the flight of a projectile e. We want to determine the trajectory of the flight path and the horizontal distance the projectile or object travels before it hits the ground. Let us assume zero air resistance and a constant gravitational force acting on the object in the op- posite direction of the vertical distance from the ground.

We want to determine the time it takes the projectile, from the start of motion, to hit the ground, the horizontal distance traveled, and the shape of the trajec- tory. In addition, we want to plot the speed of the projectile versus the angular direction of this vector. We need, of course, the theory or mathematical ex- pressions that describes the solution to the zero-resistance projectile problem in order to develop an algorithm to obtain solutions to it. Step 2. The mathematical formulas that describe the solution to the projectile problem are provided in this step.

Then the maximum values of the altitude and the range are computed along with their respective arrival times. Vx We must keep in mind when we study the solutions based on these formulas that the air resistance was assumed negligible and the gravitational accelera- tion was assumed constant. Step 3. The outputs are the range and time of flight, the maximum altitude, and the time it is reached, and the shape of the trajectory in graphical form. Steps 4 and 5. The algorithm and structure plan developed to solve this prob- lem are given next as a MATLAB program, because it is relatively straightforward and the translation to MATLAB is well commented with details of the approach applied to its solution i.

This plan, and M-file, of course, is the summary of the results developed by trying a number of approaches during the design process, and thus discarding numerous sheets of scratch paper before summarizing the results! There are more explicit examples of structure plans for your review and investigation in the next section of this chapter. Keep in mind that it was not difficult to enumerate a list of steps associated with the general design process, that is, the technical problem solving. However, it is certainly not so easy to imple- ment the steps because they draw heavily on your technical-solution design experience.

Hence, we must begin by studying the design of relatively simple programs like the one described in this section. The program was evaluated by executing a number of values of the launch angle and launch speed within the required specifications. The angle of 45° was checked to determine that the maximum range occurred at this angle for all specified launch speeds. This is well known for the zero air re- sistance case in a constant g force field. How can you find additional examples of MATLAB programs good ones or otherwise to help develop tools to solve your own problems?

c­ ontinually being developed by the users of MATLAB. There are also many examples of use- ful scripts that are placed on the Web for anyone interested in them. This responsibility holds for all tools applied by the engineer and the scientist. Hence, it is very important just as in using a laboratory apparatus that users prove to themselves that the tool they are using is indeed valid for the problem they are trying to solve. To check that it works, type each line in the Command Window followed by Enter. Note the position of each graphic; location is determined by the three integers in the subplot function list of arguments. Search Help via the question mark? for more information on subplot.

edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In the rest of this chapter we will look at some simple examples. Do not be concerned about understanding exactly what is happening. Understanding will come with the work you need to do in later chapters. It is very important for you to practice with MATLAB to learn how it works. Once you have grasped the basic rules in this chapter, you will be prepared to master many of those presented in the next chapter and in the Help files provided with MATLAB.

This will help you go onto solve more interesting and substantial problems. In the last section of this chapter you will take a quick tour of the MATLAB desktop. Yafeng Pan. Te Utiz. Alfonso Hernández Pérez. Arkajyoti Chatterjee. Sofiane Fkyerat. Ulises Nieto Chico. Javier Morales. Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier. Ismael Ismael. hilmi khairuddin. CARLOS ALBERTO SANTOS UMAÑA. thiên nhiên. ii mm. Ahmet Mert ŞENTÜRK. Abdul Qadir. Jonni John. Sin Nevana. Felipe Barraza. Joaquín Villatoro Alcaraz.

Manuel Nuñez. Meseret Sisay. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists 5th c txtbk. Mohamed Elshami. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. MATLAB for Psychologists. Download Free PDF View PDF. MATLAB an introduction with application. A Guide to MATLAB® - for Beginners and Experienced Users - Brian R. Hunt et al. Cambridge University Press, MATLAB 5th Edition. Matlab Dynamics. MATLAB Ò A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Third Edition. Matlab For Engineers and Scientists Third 20Edition, Intro to MATLAB Course Booklet. GNU Octave A high-level interactive language for numerical computations Edition 4 for Octave version 4. Hahn Daniel T. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

All rights reserved. MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. and is used with permission. The MathWorks does not warrant the accuracy of the text or exercises in this book. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN: For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at www. Like the previous editions, this one presents MATLAB as a problem- solving tool for professionals in science and engineering, as well as students in those fields, who have no prior knowledge of computer programming. In keeping with the late Brian D. It assumes that readers have never used this tool in their technical problem solving. Because readers will be unfamiliar with matrices, ideas and con- structs are developed gradually, as the context requires.

The primary audience for Essential MATLAB is scientists and engineers, and for that reason certain examples require some first-year college math, particularly in Part 2. MATLAB can be used in two distinct modes. One, in keeping the modern-age craving for instant gratifica- tion, offers immediate execution of statements or groups of statements in the Command Window. The other, for the more patient, offers conventional programming by means of script files. This would not be in keeping with its informal style. For example, constructs such as for and if are not always treated, initially, in their general form, as is common in many texts, but are gradually introduced in discussions where they fit naturally. Even so, they are treated thoroughly here, unlike in other texts that deal with them only superficially. The following list contains other highlights of Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, fifth edition: 1.

Warnings of the many pitfalls that await the unwary beginner. An emphasis on programming style to produce clear, readable code. Comprehensive chapter summaries. A thorough, instructive index. Essential MATLAB is meant to be used in conjunction with the MATLAB software. The reader is expected to have the software at hand in order to work through the exercises and thus discover how MATLAB does what it is com- manded to do. Learning any tool is possible only through hands-on experi- ence. This is particularly true with computing tools, which produce correct answers only when the commands they are given and the accompanying data input are correct and accurate.

Daniel T. Because this book is a tutorial, you are encouraged to use MATLAB extensively while you go through the text. The name MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory, Differentiation and because the system was designed to make matrix computations particularly integration A matrix is an array of numbers organized in m rows and n columns. Other APPS Saving a program: 2 4 6 script files The elements in this example are Running a script from the current folder browser The first index identifies the row number counted from top to bottom; the second index is the column number counted from left to Chapter exercises This is the convention used in MATLAB to locate information in an array. A computer is useful because it can do numerous computations quickly, so operating on large numerical data sets listed in tables as arrays or matrices of rows and columns is quite efficient. The only other computer-related skill you will need is some very basic text editing. This means you type some commands at the special MATLAB prompt and get results immediately.

The problems solved in this way can be very simple, like finding a square root, or very complicated, like finding the solution to a system of differential equations. For many technical problems, you enter only one or two commands—MATLAB does most of the work for you. There are three essential requirements for successful MATLAB applications: n You must learn the exact rules for writing MATLAB statements and using MATLAB utilities. n You must know the mathematics associated with the problem you want to solve. n You must develop a logical plan of attack—the algorithm—for solving a particular problem.

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Close Mobile Search. for more information on subplot. There are situations where a for loop is essential, as in many of the examples in this section so far. After it appears in the Current Folder it is executed. More than one variable can also be cleared e. Exercises Use MATLAB array operations to do the following: 2.

The program can be used as a scratch pad to evaluate expressions typed at the command line or it can be used to execute large pre-written programs. The best approach is to develop a formula to convert x acres to hectares. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Netlib and NA-Net: Building a Scientific Computing Community. Mobile Apps Wayback Machine iOS Wayback Machine Android Browser Extensions Chrome Firefox Safari Edge. num2str is useful with disp for displaying strings and numbers on the same line, matlab for engineers 5th edition pdf download.

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